Friday, September 16, 2005

The startup metaphor.

I came late to the Chapter 1-2-3 party, having missed the work that went into Chapters 1 and 2, just jumping into the planning of Chapter 3. But the focused little team that puts these events together is like a little startup all by itself.

They started with an idea - to give potential entrepreneurs all of the information and tools they need to get started turning their own ideas into reality.

They created their first product - Chapter 1 - worked to get it funded by some helpful service providers, and then sold it to customers - all of you.

Tasting a little success, they built a second product in Chapter 2, ramped up the marketing, got some more funding - still running on a shoestring though - and sold it to even more customers.

Now they are completing the product suite with Chapter 3. This time they've got enough momentum to get 40 key tech folks to give up their afternoon to talk about what interests you. And you get a kickass resource guide that will give you tips and techniques that those people use to be successful themselves.

How often do you get the chance to spend time with a guy like Dave Caputo, CEO of Sandvine, who's already had one success and is on his way to the second, telling you how to get customers? Or Andrew Abouchar, Partner at Tech Capital Partners, who's going to tell you exactly what a VC needs to hear? Or Carol Leaman, CEO of RSS Solutions, who will tell you how to stretch your scarce dollars as far as you can?

Chapter 3 - the third and final part of a product suite designed to take you from that nagging feeling that you can change the world, to success in building something great.

But this isn't a demo. On Thursday, October 6, 2005 we ship.


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